Course Schedule - Montessori AMI Diploma for Age 0-3

The Montessori AMI Diploma course for ages 0-3 is an intensive learning journey designed to inspire and equip those passionate about early childhood education. This unique opportunity allows educators to accompany children through the most critical phase of development—from birth to age 3—when the foundational elements of life are formed.

This program provides a robust theoretical foundation in Montessori philosophy, seamlessly integrated with practical activities, enabling participants to deeply understand and effectively implement the Montessori method in real-world settings. From observing children’s natural development, preparing the learning environment, to supporting their independence, curiosity, and life skills, the course offers a comprehensive and practical perspective on Montessori education.

More than just a training program, this course is a personalized journey to help each educator develop observational acuity, empathy, and responsibility in guiding young children. It not only enhances professional skills but also shapes participants into dedicated educators who contribute to laying a strong foundation for future generations.

Course Content

The Montessori AMI Diploma program for ages 0-3 combines in-depth theoretical learning with hands-on practice to empower participants with a clear understanding of and ability to apply Montessori principles in early childhood education.

Montessori Education Theory

Participants will explore the philosophy and core principles of Montessori education, focusing on respecting children’s natural development and understanding the role of adults in supporting their growth.

The Home and Community Environment

This module emphasizes designing age-appropriate environments. Participants will learn to create spaces that encourage children’s independence and natural exploration.

Physical, Mental, and Sensorial Development

The course helps participants understand the psychological and motor development stages of young children. It provides insight into personality formation, fostering children’s confidence, self-esteem, and self-regulation from an early age.

Foundations of Character Development

Participants will build skills to support children’s social and emotional growth, from fostering strong connections to promoting independence. This module also highlights the adult’s role in creating a positive educational environment.

Language, Music, and Arts

Participants will learn how to nurture children’s communication skills through activities such as speaking, reading, and storytelling. The program also includes guidance on encouraging creativity through music, art, and nature exploration, stimulating imagination and holistic emotional growth.

Practical Life Activities

This module involves hands-on training in activities that promote children’s independence, laying the groundwork for self-care habits and community responsibility.

Basic Medical Knowledge

Participants will receive foundational knowledge in anatomy, obstetrics, nutrition, and hygiene to better understand children’s health needs. Additionally, the course covers aspects of motor development to provide comprehensive support for young learners.

Training Schedule for Montessori AMI Diploma (0-3 years) – Montessori Vietnam Education (2023-2024)

The course combines online and in-person learning, offering a scientifically designed structure that blends theory with practical applications for a well-rounded learning experience.

Online Learning – Module 1

  • 18 online sessions, each lasting 3 hours.

In-Person Learning – Modules 2-4

The in-person modules provide opportunities to practice and apply learned knowledge:

  • Module 2: Monday, June 12 – Friday, July 7, 2023 (4 weeks)
  • Module 3: Monday, September 11 – Friday, October 20, 2023 (6 weeks)
  • Module 4: Monday, April 22 – Friday, May 17, 2024 (4 weeks, tentative)

Additional Online Sessions

  • A total of 21 additional online sessions, each lasting 3 hours.
  • Participants will complete 20 hours of coursework and assignments.

Course Duration and Requirements

  • Total duration: Approximately 80 days
  • Observation: 250 hours
  • Practice teaching: 30 hours

This course offers not just professional knowledge and skills but also the chance to practice in real Montessori environments under the guidance of experienced trainers. It serves as a strong foundation for becoming an exceptional Montessori educator, prepared to guide children during this critical developmental phase.

To register for the course, please click here:


Montessori Vietnam Education.




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